Tuesday, 30 August 2016

CMWA 2016 Championships in Châteauguay, Québec, July 29 to August 1st

The event this year was held at a new venue, Club nautique de Châteauguay, on the south shore of the St. Lawrence on Lake St. Louis. Éric Bouillet and I worked with the City of Châteauguay and the Manoir d'Youville to organize the event. We all stayed at the Manoir, which used to be a Grey Nun Convent, and has been converted into a 2 star hotel. It is a great location on a big island with lots of green space and a nice big pool where we all ended up at the end of the day.

We held our Friday night reception/registration outside at the Club nautique and everyone stopped by for a snack and to register.

We got up every day to light winds but that did not stop us! We did a total of 5 course races between Saturday and Sunday and managed to have a long distance race Monday morning. We had 3 Division II participants, 9 raceboards and 10 Konas. I was pretty happy with my results as I finished 5th out of 10. I am better in light winds!