Wednesday, 20 August 2014

National Capital Regatta, BYC, August 9-10, 2014

Right after the masters regatta came the National Capital Regatta in Ottawa. Unfortunately we had only five participants but everyone was happy with their weekend (well I think!). There were four Konas and one raceboard so we all raced together. We told the raceboard that he could not pump on the start line and he did not! On top of that, he did not pump at all and after the first morning he even put his race sail on a Kona board! We did seven races on Saturday in light winds and only one race early Sunday morning before the wind shut down for the day. I don't remember the last time we did seven races in one day... I was pooped! On Sunday, once the wind died, a couple of us went paddleboarding with one swimming alongside. Thanks again BYC and volunteers for a nice weekend!

Start line

CMWA 2014 Championships in Toronto, August 1 to 4

The Toronto Windsurfing Club was hosting us again this year so I make the trip to Toronto by myself to partake in this annual regatta and see my windsurfing friends. Michael Keltz organized it with the help of Stephanie Todd and a bunch of volunteers. They did an excellent job again! We had 16 Konas, 8 Raceboards, 4 RS:X and 3 juniors on Techno.

Friday night was registration and munchies at the club. Irene McNeil was our Race Officer for the weekend. Saturday brought some light wind and we only managed to do 2 shortened races (3 legs each). The rest of the day was spent waiting for wind that did not materialize.

Sunday was a day spent on shore waiting for wind. A few of us went paddleboarding for a while for something to do!

On Monday, we managed to do 2 full races and that was the end of it. I finished 13th out of 16th. I used to do better but oh well...

Kona corner at TWC

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Summer 2014 on Suzie Q

This year, we did not have to do as much to get Suzie Q ready for launch. A bit of cleaning, waxing and sanding and re-painting the bottom with VC17. This being our second full summer, we knew a bit more what to do to get her ready. 
Before and after pictures.

While Dave was painting, I was chasing a family of Canada Geese from land to water!
Launch happened on Friday, June 6 this year. The next day, we put up the mast and by the end of the weekend, she was ready to sail.

Our first time out was during sailpast and Alison and Nick joined us. It was our first out of the harbour sailpast. Last year, it happened in the harbour as the harbour gates were still in. I may have a picture of Suzie Q doing sailpast to post later.

We went out one day that was pretty windy. Even Dave wore his life jacket!

One day we even managed to get a good picture of ourselves!

One day we sailed with someone who also has a Mirage 24 and we followed each other all the way up to Pinhey's Point and back. Our friend took pictures of us sailing. This is the first time we actually have pictures in action! Thanks André!

Suzie Q came out of the water on October 10th after another great season! Now it is time to empty her and prepare her for the winter.
Here's a little souvenir video of the summer! Click here.